• Question: where do dreams and imagination come from?

    Asked by queensangels2012 to Anna, Jonathan, Samantha, Sam on 29 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Jonathan Kay

      Jonathan Kay answered on 29 Jun 2012:

      Nobody knows. Some people think dreams are to help us practice what we are going to do in dangerous situations.

    • Photo: Samantha Weaver

      Samantha Weaver answered on 29 Jun 2012:

      I’d say they are part of your subconscious. Babies dream about things they have seen or done that day as a way of learning and remembering. I often dream about things I am worrying about.

    • Photo: Angharad Davies

      Angharad Davies answered on 29 Jun 2012:

      I don’t know, i don’t think anyone really does. Some scientists believe dreams are useful for things like learning and remembering, others say they don’t have any useful purpose at all. Scientists would like to know how much other animals apart from humans dream and imagine things.

      I sometimes have bad dreams about exams, or giving talks when i haven’t prepared anything!

    • Photo: Sam Chilka

      Sam Chilka answered on 1 Jul 2012:

      I don’t think anyone really knows where dreams come from. There are many theories about dreams, but I don’t think any of them have been proven.
      Imagination is the ability to create new thoughts or ideas which you haven’t necessarily experienced before. It’s people’s imagination which helps them create great music, writing, art and so on – or being able to imagine what we’d do in certain situations, for example if we’d won the lottery! I don’t think anyone really knows where imagination comes from either, but it’s the main reason why human beings have been able to create almost everything we see in the modern world today.
