• Question: what motivated you to become a scientist

    Asked by kingcobra111 to Anna, Jonathan, Samantha, Sam on 30 Jun 2012. This question was also asked by tgomes1999, austinlong10, hphillips102.
    • Photo: Angharad Davies

      Angharad Davies answered on 30 Jun 2012:

      I had a fantastic chemistry teacher called Mrs Williams and she made me love the subject. So I wanted to be a chemist. But then I read a book about treating tropical diseases so I decided to be a doctor instead.

    • Photo: Sam Chilka

      Sam Chilka answered on 1 Jul 2012:

      When I was a child, I loved science fiction books and films, like Star Trek and Star Wars. I was fascinated by what those books and films said could be achieved by science in the future. I also had great science teachers at school, who explained what science is achieving right now. I was also fascinated by the human body, how it works and how it repairs itself, so that’s why I decided to become a doctor.

    • Photo: Samantha Weaver

      Samantha Weaver answered on 2 Jul 2012:

      I really enjoyed science at school and was good at it so it was just a natural progression to do science at uni and then get a job in science.

    • Photo: Jonathan Kay

      Jonathan Kay answered on 5 Jul 2012:

      I like finding out new stuff. I also like the technology that goes with science.

      I love reading and acting and walking and cycling. But no-one will pay me to do those!
