• Question: What is the best form of exercise?

    Asked by ccb6 to Anna, Jonathan, Samantha, Sam on 3 Jul 2012.
    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 3 Jul 2012:

      From the point of view of living a long life the best form of exercise is a cardio workout (e.g. running, swimming, cycling). The heart muscle needs regular exercise to stay healthy. The heart has to pump 5 litres of fluid every minute (thats over 180,000,000 litres over a life span of 70 years). Look after your heart and it will look after you.

    • Photo: Jonathan Kay

      Jonathan Kay answered on 3 Jul 2012:

      The best form of exercise for an individual is the sort that they will keep doing for years and years. Gym clubs make lots of money out of people who join, pay and then only go once or twice.

      Walking briskly for 30 minutes twice a week would improve the health of millions of people in the UK. Walking with a friend or a dog helps people to keep it up. My wife was a GP and she could “prescribe” walking.

      Cycling is brilliant because it gives you lots of exercise and gets you where you want to go. It’s also gentle on your knees, which helps when you have inflamed joints and can’t easily walk or run.

      Do some exercise, whatever it is. Do it with friends. Keep it up.

    • Photo: Samantha Weaver

      Samantha Weaver answered on 3 Jul 2012:

      The best form of exercise is whatever you enjoy doing since this means you will keep doing it! For some people this will be playing a team sport such as football, or taking part in dance classes, others may enjoy walking their dog or going swimming. No exercise is bad! Personally I enjoy horse riding, walking my dog, swimming and trampolining.

    • Photo: Sam Chilka

      Sam Chilka answered on 4 Jul 2012:

      I agree with all the comments so far, and would also say it depends what you want to achieve – do you want to lose weight, get fitter, or train for a particular sport? For general fitness I would say whatever works for you, and whatever you enjoy! I enjoy playing sports with others, but also goiing to the gym and working out on my own – it depends what I fancy at the time. A healthy balanced diet is also important.
