• Question: what did Einstein discover ?

    Asked by 101owen101 to Samantha, Sam on 6 Jul 2012.
    • Photo: Samantha Weaver

      Samantha Weaver answered on 6 Jul 2012:

      The four major areas of science that Albert Einstein contributed to are Light, Time, Energy and Gravity. He published four outstanding scientific papers in the year 1905. This year is therefore called Einstein’s annus mirabilis or miracle year. He put forth the following explanations for the scientific community:

      He explained that light energy came in chuncks or quanta, now called ‘photons’. This explanation changed the way researchers thought about the nature of light.
      He discussed the Brownian motion that helped in proving the existence of molecules.
      He also gave forth explanation regarding the dynamics of individual moving bodies.
      And last, but not the least, he explained the nature of space and time.

      Einstein’s fascination with light began at an early age. When he was 16 years old he wondered what it would be like to ride his bike on a beam of light. Almost 10 years later, in 1905 he had what he called his first “Thought Experiment” and came up with the special theory of relativity in which he stated that light is constant, unlike the wavelike picture that the scientists of the time had thought it was. Not only that, it is not possible to travel faster than the speed of light 186,000 miles/second (300,000 Km/second). Light always travels at the same speed whether it be on the headlight of a train speeding down the tracks or the light on the lantern shining on the tracks. The light itself, always travels at the same speed.

      Einstein’s theory states that time is not constant as is light, the faster one goes, the slower time is, even though that person does not feel it as being different.

      One practical use for this theory is that one experiences time difference the closer one gets to the speed of light. This is generally not noticeable to people on earth (such as: walking vs. driving a car), but it is of utmost importance when it comes to space travel.

      There was a Russian cosmonaut that spent 748 days in space (roughly 2 years). That man is now 0.02 seconds younger than he would have been had he never gone to space. This is because of the speed of time in space aboard the MIR space station was slow. For him it doesn’t make that much of a difference, but let’s say that someone wanted to travel to Alpha Centauri, our nearest star. It would take them 5.7 earth years, however they would only age 3.8 years and return at a younger age than the expected age. So, time is relative, while light is constant.

      Most everyone has heard of E=mc2. This is the famous equation that shows the relationship between energy and mass (at rest, the equation is different for moving mass). It was once thought that energy and mass were different, however Einstein’s theory states that energy and mass are merely different forms of the same thing, just like ice, water and gas, that are different forms of liquid.

      Not only mass and energy can be destroyed and but they can be changed into one another, as stated in the light theory above. Speed up enough and you will have a gain of mass because energy has turned into mass. Our sun is burning up hydrogen, turning it into energy that we perceive as light. Since the source of hydrogen is not infinite, the source of light is not finite. However, we have nothing to fear for several million years as the sun will keep burning and provide earth with energy.

      Einstein added to Newton’s theory of gravitational pull, stating that not only does the apple fall to the ground because of gravity, but earth’s orbit attracts asteroids (and other space objects) because of the “dent” the earth makes in the “fabric” of space. Thus, giving us the power to our advantage as a “parking space” for satellites in our orbit to use for our technological advantages. It has also been used to get men to and from the moon.

      Apart from the above four important accomplishments of Albert Einstein, there are many other contributions to the world of science and physics by this great man. Some of these important achievements are listed below:

      Einstein gave the explanation for calculation of Avogadro’s number and the size of molecules.
      Einstein was the man, who could give a valid explanation to the question, ‘why is the sky blue?’ in 1910. He put the ‘critical opalescence’ phenomenon and give explanation regarding the cumulative effect of the scattering of light by each molecule within the atmosphere.
      An Indian physicist named Satyendra Nath Bose, sent a short paper to Einstein in 1924. This paper contained information that described light as a gas of photons. He asked Einstein for help in publication of his paper. Einstein found this theory could be applied to atoms and published the article describing Bose’s model. Today, Bose-Einstein statistics helps explain indistinguishable particles called the ‘bosons’. You probably heard about the Higgs boson in the news this week. I like this video explaining what it is: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-18712914
