• Question: How many ways are there of making electricity?

    Asked by randomperson992 to Anna, Jonathan, Samantha, Sam on 29 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Sam Chilka

      Sam Chilka answered on 29 Jun 2012:

      Most of the electricity we have in this country comes from burning things like coal, gas, or oil – this heats water, which turns to steam, and the steam turns huge wheels called turbines, and the spinning turbines generate the electricity. Nuclear reactors use radioactive fuel to create the steam that generates the electricity. Hydro-electric plants use water which has been stored in a dam to turn the turbines. And then electricity can be made from wind, solar, or wave generators. These are the main ways of making electricity that are used at the moment.

    • Photo: Jonathan Kay

      Jonathan Kay answered on 29 Jun 2012:

      Sam’s told you about the way we make electricity for power. You can turn any form of energy into electrical energy.

      And you can make static electricity by combing your hair. Do you know the tricks with bits of paper and making balloons stick to walls?

    • Photo: Angharad Davies

      Angharad Davies answered on 29 Jun 2012:

      Nerves in the body send messages to your brain by tiny electric currents. So I guess that’s another way of making electricity!
