• Question: Why do I feel dizzy when I spin?

    Asked by 101owen101 to Samantha, Sam on 6 Jul 2012.
    • Photo: Samantha Weaver

      Samantha Weaver answered on 6 Jul 2012:

      It’s to do with our ears and how we sence balance. In our inner ears there is a fluid filled cavity. As we move the fluid moves and bounces on cells that suround it – these send the signals to our brain which works out which way up we are and how we are moving. As long as the signals from our ears match what the eyes are also telling the brain all is fine. But when you spin around it takes a while for the fluid to stop moving – so the brain get different signals from the ears and the eyes – that makes us feel dizzy. Its the same with travel sickness in cars and boats and on rollercoasters etc. The miss-match of info makes up feel sick

      Hope that helps

    • Photo: Sam Chilka

      Sam Chilka answered on 6 Jul 2012:

      What Samantha has said is right. These cavities in the inner ear also contain tiny hairs. When you move, the fluid moves, and the hairs move with it. The hairs are like sensors, and send messages to the brain, which interprets that as movement. When you spin and then stop, as Samantha says it takes a while for the fluid to stop moving, and so the hairs keep moving and sending signals to the brain – so your brain still thinks you are spinning around!
