• Question: what would happen if the sun exploded ?

    Asked by 101owen101 to Jonathan, Samantha, Sam on 5 Jul 2012.
    • Photo: Jonathan Kay

      Jonathan Kay answered on 5 Jul 2012:

      I have no idea. But we don’t think the sun will explode. We do think that it will get much much bigger in about 5 billion years. After that it will shrink.

    • Photo: Sam Chilka

      Sam Chilka answered on 5 Jul 2012:

      As Jonathan says, our sun is not likely to explode. As it’s fuel runs (billions of years in the future) out it will slowly get bigger, then shrink and give out less and less heat and light.
      Stars that are much bigger than our sun can explode at the end of their life, this is called a supernova. Our sun isn’t going to do this, but if it did it would almost certainly destroy the Earth.

    • Photo: Samantha Weaver

      Samantha Weaver answered on 5 Jul 2012:

      It would get very dark and cold and we would die!
